The City is committed to sound financial planning as set forth in the budget and financial policies. The principal goal of the City is to maintain a satisfactory and efficient level of service that our elected officials and citizens expect at an affordable cost.
This division provides all of the financial support services for the operations of the city government, including but not limited to accounting, payroll, budget, audits, banking, treasury, MIS, and debt management.
Currently, all audit services are provided by Angel, Johnston & Blasingame. Financial services are provided by Crawford and Associates. Financial advisory services for municipal revenues bonds and/or notes are provided by Municipal Finance Services. Public Finance Law Group provides legal services in the issuance of revenue bonds and notes of the city and its' authority.
This division is directed by the finance officer/city treasurer. Appointed by the city manager, Daniel Ofsthun serves the city in this capacity. Daniel began his municipal career in 2012 as an intern with the city.