The city of Blanchard code is intended to benefit everyone while making our neighborhoods a better place to live, work, and play. Compliance with these standards can reduce vandalism, deter crime, maintain property values, and prevent deterioration of your neighborhood.
Code enforcement seeks compliance with city ordinances pertaining to maintenance, sanitation, rehabilitation, conservation, and safety of existing residential and commercial properties, such as:
- Graffiti
- High weeds and grass
- Junked (derelict, inoperable) vehicles, etc.
- Dilapidated structures
It is the responsibility of the code enforcement officer to enforce the city of Blanchard codes (non-traffic) to ensure the health and safety of the public. When violations of the codes are observed or reported, the code enforcement officer will verify the complaint by inspection of the private or public premises to determine whether there are any possible violations of any fire, health, or building regulations, statutes, or city ordinances in order to ensure Blanchard maintains it’s quality of public health, safety and welfare for its citizens and will make contact with the property owner by letter and give instructions for eliminating the violation.
How to Report a Code Enforcement Violation
- Contact the Blanchard Code Enforcement Officer at
- Fill out a Code Enforcement Complaint Form from the Website and bring it into City Hall.
- Contact City Hall at (405) 485-9392
Code Enforcement Complaint Resolution Process
Code Enforcement has to allow due process to occur when requiring abatement of violations. Upon verification that a violation exists, an officer may give a verbal warning to the occupant; issue a written notice and hang it on the door; or, send a letter of notification; all with a specific compliance date.
Upon re-inspection, if the violation still exists, a notice and order is sent to the last known property owner; in addition, you may see a notice posted on the property, and again a compliance date is given. Continued non-compliance may result in judicial remedies in Compliance Court or contractor abatement for such compliance with City Ordinances.