The Blanchard city council meets regularly on the 2nd Tuesday of each month (except on observed holidays) at Blanchard Municipal Courthouse, 300 North Main Street, Blanchard, OK. In addition, special and emergency meetings may be called as needed. All meetings are open to the public beginning at 6:00 p.m. The Open Meeting Act requires the agenda to be posted twenty-four (24) hours prior to the meeting. All agendas are posted on the bulletin board located at the city hall, and copies are available for the public. Official action can be taken only on items that appear on the agenda as items for action.
- The City of Blanchard is governed by a five (5) member city council, each elected for a four (4) year term. Four (4) members are elected by individual geographical wards and one at large. The Mayor is appointed from among the council to serve a two (2) year term.
- The City Council enacts city ordinances, resolutions, and proclamations sets city policy, and authorizes all expenditures of city funds after adoption of the annual budget.
- In addition, the current City Council members serve as the Board of Trustees of the Blanchard Municipal Improvement Authority (BMIA). The BMIA Trustees meet in public meetings following the city council meetings each month.
- The City of Blanchard/BMIA encourages participation from all its citizens. If participation at any public meeting is not possible due to a disability, please notify the City Clerk at least twenty-four (24) hours prior to the scheduled meeting so that necessary accommodations can be made to adequately accommodate your disability.
Forms of Government
The City of Blanchard was established as a statutory council-manager form of government in 1967.
When Meetings Occur
2nd Tuesday of Each Month
Where Meetings Occur
Blanchard Municipal Courthouse, 300 N. Main St. Blanchard, OK
Time Meetings Occur
6:00 PM